
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blue Saran Wrap Technique

Pumpkins fresh from the patch.

I'm sorry for leaving you hanging over the last few days. I went on a weekend trip to Southern Illinois with my boyfriend. We had a blast! We went hiking at the Garden of the Gods. It was gorgeous! We even went to a pumpkin patch where we explored the straw mazes, went on a carriage ride and catapulted some gourds. Good old redneck fun.

Let me show you the polish I was wearing for the occasion.

I started off with two coats of Essie Sweet Talker. After allowing it to set completely I applied a relatively thick layer of Essie Aruba Blue on top. The dappled effect was achieved by gently picking up some of the still wet top layer with a crumpled piece of saran wrap.

Pretty, isn't it? It reminds me of sunlit water. It's not exactly seasonally appropriate but I love it nonetheless. Besides, blue clashes so wonderfully with pumpkin orange.

Now how about some vacation photos?

The Garden of the Gods.

This was taken at the Garden of the Gods in Southern Illinois. Look at the people up on the rocks! I was standing on a similar summit. You were allowed to climb all over to your heart's content. There were no hand rails or anything. It was stunning.

It was absolutely beautiful there and the weather was perfect. We did some hiking and took lots and lots of photos. We even saw cactus plants... Though I'm still not sure what those were doing in Illinois.

Little sporelings.

We found this really adorable moss stuff off one of the main trails. See how it has got little off shooting valve thingies?

Haflinger horses.

And finally I wanted to share these two adorable Haflinger horses we met at a farm. We took a carriage ride and these two were fantastic. The driver trotted and even cantered them around the corn field and pointed out some of the sights. They have six Haflingers in total and they're used for farm work. We were told that this team had the next day off to rest and another two would be doing the carriage rides in their place.

 I hate being in the city... I miss horses!

Sorry about all that, I know this was lengthy! I just wanted to share my adventure. It was nice getting out of Chicago for a while.


  1. Girl, I had NO idea you were from Chicago! I grew up in Des Plaines and now I live in Naperville!!

    1. I was born in Boston (though I grew up in Maine). I've been in Chicago for about... Eight years now? It seems like ages!

      I've never actually been to Naperville. It's so hard getting anywhere without a car! How is it over there?

  2. Your nails look gorgeous! I still have yet to try this techniqure!


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