
Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Polish Splurge

I splurged on some new polish so of course I need to show it off!

The two polishes I purchased were Essie Play Date and Revlon Whimsical. I kept flip flopping over whether or not I wanted to purchase Whimsicle but I found it on sale and couldn't pass it up. I'm so glad I got it!

What you see here is two coats of Play Date followed by about three coats of Whimsical. I need the extra coats to get the amount of glitter I wanted. Play Date was slightly muted by the application of Whimsical as a top coat. It gave the purple almost a frosted color. Very pretty, actually! 

This combination totally makes me feel like a princess. It's so shimmery and pretty. I generally prefer edgier colors but sometimes it's nice to be girly.

The Halloween posts will continue in short order!


  1. Very beautiful combo! I've tried Whimsical only on it's own and over pale blue yet :)

  2. Yay for Whimical! I love it over Play Date!


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