
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Homage to the Hostess Cupcake

So, in lieu of recent events, I decided to do a Hostess themed mani.

I'm not really even a fan of Hostess products but I have to admit that I view them with some nostalgia  Who doesn't? Yesterday, after hearing that the company was in trouble, I rushed out and bought some Sno Balls. Admittedly  they were dry and didn't taste like a whole lot but they got me thinking.... What if I were to do a Hostess themed mani?

Hostess Cupcakes were the obvious choice, of course. Those frosting loops are pretty iconic and recognizable  And cute. They're way cute.

I started with two coats of Essie Little Brown Dress. After letting it dry I drew the white frosting loops on with a Sharpie oil-based paint pen. I had to go over the lines twice to get them nice and opaque but it worked out nicely.

I grabbed a pack of Cupcakes from 7-11 to use as a photography prop. Then I ate my prop. They tasted a lot better than the Sno Balls.

So, what do you think? Are you lamenting the eminent demise of Hostess? Personally, I think this will all blow over but it's amusing to see everyone rushing out to buy up the last Twinkies.


  1. Oh my gosh, I love this!! So cute and so timely! I haven't had any Hostess treats in a LONG time!

    1. Thank you! :) It's fun doing something with pop-culture relevance for a change.

      You should treat yourself to a Cupcake before they all sell out. My boyfriend and I ended up splitting a two pack. ^___^

  2. Oh YES! The cupcakes are my favorite!!! I think I need to go buy some before they all get bought :( LOL This is so awesome!! :)

    1. Do it!

      I bought the second to last pack here. Someone told me the Little Debbie ones taste pretty much the same though. :)

  3. We don't have Hostess in my country, but that cupcake on the photo looks delicious :). And I really like the matching mani :)

    1. They're good every once in a while! Sort of fake tasting though... XD

      Thank you! <3

  4. awesome! great idea for a mani :)


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