
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fun with Pearl Ex Pigments

This is a small post. I just wanted to show what is possible using Pearl Ex pigments over still wet polish.

For this particular manicure I used Pearl Ex pigments #644 Reflex Violet, #658 Aztec Gold and #672 Interference Green. They were applied over Wet n Wild Ebony Hates Chris.

I've been a little busy lately, that's why I'm posting less often. My boyfriend and I are moving to New England next month and we have a lot of details to sort out. Rental details, scheduling a moving van, transferring credit hours for college... But I am going to try to back into posting daily or at least close to it!


  1. Woohoo New England! I live there :)

    1. I grew up there, I'm looking forward to going back. :)

  2. So cool! I hope that the move goes smoothly...I know it can be a pain!

  3. <3 loveeee i need to learn how to do this <3


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