
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pink Water Marble

I had the idea to do a galaxy manicure today but it just wasn't working out. My colors all looked too saturated and they weren't blending well. So I stripped it and tried again. Still not quite right. I decided to save it for another day and do a water marble instead.

I actually love water marbling. I've been marbling paper longer than I've been doing nail art so it only makes sense. Floating and manipulating pigments on water is one of my favorite things, artistically speaking.

I started by painting my nails white using Sally Hansen White On. Next I gathered up my marbling colors. I decided to use Essie Play Date, Sinful Colors Cream Pink and Sinful Colors Pink Forever.

I don't do my marbles in the usual way. Instead of piling my drops of polish one on top of the other, I drip them in a small cluster and swirl them together. I prefer the finished result since it gives you a lot of variety. Plus, it doesn't go on as thickly so it's easier to manage.

I actually think this came out quite cute, especially for being spur of the moment. What do you think?


  1. This turned out great! I think it's so cool that you've been using this technique to make marbled paper. You should post pics of some of your work!

    1. Thanks so much, water marbling is like my fallback mani.

      Next time I post a water marble I definitely will add some scans of my papers! I was tempted to but I wasn't sure if anyone would want to see them.

  2. Ohhh pretty and pink :) Love it! I did my water marble for friday for the challenge I'm in and literally did it 4 times -_- usually I enjoy water marbling but the nail polish gods must have been angry with me LOL! But your water marble is beautiful! :)

    1. Sometimes water marbles are incredibly fussy!

      I had one day where my polishes just wouldn't float. I ended up having to use distilled water to correct that problem. Such a pain though.

  3. Visiting from NaBloPoMo! I love your nails, I tried doing this last month and it din't work for me. You're right, they are


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