
Monday, December 3, 2012

An Experiment in Purple

I'm moving in a little over a week. I've been doing a lot of packing and reorganizing. I actually found a box tucked in the back of my closet that was from the last time I moved over three years ago.

And guess what? There was nail polish in that box!

In this forgotten stash I found a bottle of Rimmel Pink Flash, a very pretty color-shift topcoat, and a bottle of Sinful Colors Rich in Heart, which is a very deep plum with a touch of red shimmer. There was also a ton of assorted art stuff in the same box, including a container of Micropearl Pearl-Ex powdered pigment.

I thought it would be fun to try to incorporate all three of these finds into the same manicure.

I started with three coats of Sinful Colors Rich in Heart. After allowing it to dry, I applied two coats of Rimmel Pink Flash. Pink Flash gave the dark plum color of Rich in Heart a very pretty frosted finish, but I thought the application was a tad streaky. To disguise this, I applied a top coat and sprinkled the Micropearl Pearl-Ex powdered pigment over my nails while it was still wet. It resulted in very pretty silvery splotches and the streaks are no longer noticeable.

I can't believe I had all this laying hidden in the back of my closet! I wonder what else I have?


  1. haha great that you found those! they look fantastic together. Im sure you will find all kinds of other treasures when you officially move.

  2. This is awesome! So cool how you can incorporate all three things! And don't you jus love finding forgotten polish?!? LOL beautiful as always!! :)

  3. This is so pretty! Don't you just loving finding surprises in your own house? Haha!

  4. It's so unusual and really pretty! I like it!

  5. Ahh, so nice to find polish LOL - I guess you didn't miss them. This mani is great, looks gorgeous and interesting!


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