
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rainbow Spotted

I am so sorry for my long absence! As I mentioned before, I recently moved from Chicago, Illinois to Western Maine. The move went very well but I've been so busy getting everything in order that I haven't had much time to myself.

However, I am back now and hopefully I'll settle back into a regular posting schedule. So now, without further ado, allow me to introduce today's manicure.

When I saw cutepolish's amazing Water Spotted Tutorial I just knew I had to try it for myself. She has such fantastic ideas, doesn't she? I never would have thought of floating polish on water and spritzing it with a solution containing alcohol. Brilliant! And isn't the effect amazing?

To start, I used OPI Alpine Snow to give my nails a nice white base. Then I applied Sally Hansen Model Behavior, Nicole by OPI One Time Lime, Sinful Colors Let's Talk, and Sinful Colors Cream Pink to create a rainbow effect. The black polish I used for the water spotting effect was L.A. Colors Circuits.

This was actually quite simple. The tutorial was accurate and easy to follow. The only issue I ran into was that the spray on my hand sanitizer is super powerful! I had to hold it as far away as possible from the polish so as not to completely destroy it. I definitely need to try this with another brand of sanitizer!


  1. This is so cool!!! I never would have thought of doing that either totally loving it tho! And welcome to New England! Lol! :)

  2. Welcome back! I was thinking about you the other day and I was hoping you'd show up soon! :) I hope you're getting settled in your new home!

  3. I like the effect on your nails, and the idea is interesting :)

  4. welcome back! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!! ^.^
    Lovely manicure! I can't wait to try this, it is pretty genius!

  5. Welcome back! Love this mani :)


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