
Friday, June 21, 2013


Hello everyone! Today I finally got around to experimenting with some calico patterned nail art. I've been wanting to try this for a while now. I don't know why I waited so long! I absolutely love how this came out!

This was inspired by my own calico cat, Tessa. My boyfriend and I took Tessa in last March. She originally belonged to a friend of my boyfriend who could no longer keep her due to moving. He was so set on finding her a good home that he paid all transport fees from New Mexico to Maine. Such a long way for a little kitty to travel! She's settled in very well and we simply adore her. She's incredibly sweet, and very bossy.

This was actually very straight forward. I started off by painting my nails white with Sinful Colors Snow Me White. I topped the white with a layer of essie Marshmallow to soften it a bit and to give me a creamier, more neutral color.

I allowed my base color to dry before mixing up three colors of acrylic paint: black, orange and and brown. Why three colors? I wanted the brown to act as an intermediary color between the black and orange to help blend them together. I then took a fan brush and dipped it in my colors, taking care not to mix them together. I put brown on the middle of my brush, and the orange and black went on the outside bristles.

I gently removed some of the excess paint by making a few quick strokes on a piece of scrap paper before applying the paint to my nails. Starting at the outer edge, I dragged the brush inward and stopped at about the middle of my nail. Most nails only received one stroke of paint, but some had small touchups. Everything was topped with a generous layer of Seche Vite.

I love how this turned out! Unusual animal prints are so much fun, aren't they? What other animal inspired patterns would you like to see me try? I have some ideas but I'd love your input!


  1. Tessa is adorable! I love the calico look you did with acrylic paints. When I first saw your manicure in my news feed, I thought it's needle marbling :))

    1. Thank you! Tessa is camera shy so that's about the best picture I could steal of her. :)

      I still need to try needle marbling! My list of things to do is expanding at an alarming rate. <3

  2. This is absolutely perfect, I love the effect - well done - and yeah, I think calico cats often er a bit bossy, especially around other cats...

    1. You're right about that, she's constantly bossing our two male cats around even though she's technically the newcomer. X3

  3. This is beautifully done! Tessa's adorable too, I love her eyes! :3

  4. I like your mani and your cat! :)

  5. Oooh these are so cute! I love the idea and the colours go really really well together - love it!


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