
Friday, June 7, 2013

Happy National Doughnut Day!

In case you didn't know, today is National Doughnut Day! Time to celebrate the joy that can only be found in a glazed fried pastry!

Unfortunately for me, the only doughnut repository in my area is Dunkin Donuts. There's two in the very small town I live in. It's honestly a little disturbing just how many locations they have in Maine. So, you'll have to forgive me for not being able to present wonderful, fresh, gorgeous, warm and gooey confections to you. I was, however, able to snag a strawberry glazed doughnut with sprinkles. It'll have to do.

For my base color I used two layers of Sally Hansen Pink Blink. The pink Sprinkles were done in L'Oréal Members Only and the white and orange sprinkles were done in acrylic paint.

Who celebrated National Doughnut Day? What is your favorite type of doughnut? Mine is personally Boston Cream, but sprinkles are just so cute!


  1. I haven't heard of the Doughnut Day, but it sounds like a great holiday lol and your nails fit the occasion perfectly! :D


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