
Monday, June 17, 2013

Pure Ice Tickle Me Pink

On a whim I picked up a bottle of Pure Ice Tickle Me Pink. I'm usually not into sheers or pinks but I really loved this polish!

Shown is three coats, at which point it was almost, but not quite, opaque. I had absolutely zero problems with the application, and sheer polishes always seem to give me trouble, so I was impressed! This seemed to give my nails a nice healthy glow and I can definitely see myself wearing this one a lot in the future.

This is an awesome budget polish. Has anyone else tried Tickle Me Pink? What did you think?

Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway for Salon Perfect Shocked! Those who have already entered can Tweet daily for extra chances to win! Good luck, everyone!


  1. Love this color! I need more colors like this in my stash I always just gravitate to bright colors. But I love the subtleness of this. So pretty lady! :)

    1. Thank you!

      That's exactly why I bought it - I felt like I was lacking in soft pinks and those I do have just don't seem to cut it. So happy I snatched it up. <3

  2. cute :) It's a perfect neutral colour.

    xo Maddy | spilledpolish

    1. Thank you!

      It really is surprisingly nice. :)

  3. Looks so delicate! <3

  4. I love this color! It reminds me of my ballet slippers from when I was a little girl. I bet this would be a great background for a french manicure, too!


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