
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Julep Stardust Glam Roc

Glam Roc in natural light.

Today I have a great textured polish to show you. This is Glam Roc, from the Julep Maven February subscription box. Glam Roc is a lightly textured deep purple matte glitter with hints of gold and green.

My camera did not want to photograph this one at all! It's not as dark in person, and appears more purple and glittery. It was terribly fickle and photo shy, unfortunately. To make up for this, I photographed it under natural and artificial light.

Glam Roc in natural light.

Over all, this was a surprisingly nice polish. It wasn't without its faults, however. This polish was incredibly thick and the application was messy as a result. It only required one to two coats, which was nice, but those coats were quite gooey. The consistency was a big turn off for me.

It did wear well, however. Like most matte polishes, it was a bit prone to tip wear but I didn't experience any chipping while wearing it and it held up well enough. The texture is fairly subtle so it was very easy to wear.

Glam Roc in artificial light.

What do you think? Are you liking the Julep Stardust polishes? To learn more about Glam Roc, and to see Julep's current line, check out their polish page.


  1. This nail polish looks amazing! and... candies :D

    1. Isn't it pretty? It reminded me so much of black licorice drops!


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